
WeVote’s Digital Revolution: A New Chapter in Citizen-Led Political Participation


Andrew Curran, CEO
WeVote Foundation

Date: January 22, 2024

WeVote’s Digital Revolution: A New Chapter in Citizen-Led Political Participation

Lincoln, Nebraska – WeVote Foundation, a pioneering civic technology nonprofit, is thrilled to announce a significant transformation in its journey toward enhancing democratic engagement in the United States. Previously operating as a private, for-profit company, WeVote has restructured into a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. This strategic shift underscores our unwavering commitment to fostering a more informed, engaged, and empowered electorate.

The transition to a non-profit model aligns perfectly with our mission of creating an inclusive, deliberative democracy. WeVote, our flagship app, is designed to bridge the gap between citizens and their democratic institutions. As a non-profit, we can focus solely on our users’ needs, ensuring that our technology serves the public interest without the constraints of profit-driven motives.

We are incredibly honored to announce that the Good Ancestor Foundation has awarded $75,000 in grants to launch and host WeVote Alpha for the 2024 Legislative & Election season.

This generous funding will be instrumental in the development and hosting of our innovative app, facilitating a nationwide expansion to all 50 states and the US Congress. The launch, scheduled for February 2024, marks a significant milestone in our endeavor to revolutionize civic participation.

The WeVote app is more than just a platform; it’s a movement towards a more deliberative and participatory democracy. By providing citizens easy access to information about legislative bills, their representatives, and their fellow constituents, WeVote aims to empower voters with the tools they need to have a meaningful and equal opportunity to participate in our nation’s democratic processes. The app features the use of Artificial Intelligence technology to help users understand complex legislative bill information, verification of users as real registered voters, and a forum for civic discussions, fostering a community of engaged and informed citizens.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Good Ancestor Foundation for their belief in our vision and their investment in the future of our public institutions. Their support is not just a funding boost but a testament to the potential of civic technology in shaping a more inclusive and responsive political landscape.

As we embark on this new chapter, WeVote Foundation invites partners, volunteers, and communities across the nation to join us in this exciting journey. Together, we can build a unified democracy that truly reflects the voice of every American.

For more information about WeVote and how to get involved, please visit

About WeVote:
Founded in 2012, WeVote Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to engaging, educating, and empowering voters. Our mission is to enhance democratic participation through innovative technology, fostering a more informed and active electorate.

About the Good Ancestor Foundation:
The Good Ancestor Foundation is a philanthropic organization committed to supporting initiatives that contribute to sustainable, long-term societal impact.

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